
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Glorious Autumn

Last weekend I went up north. I had the most gorgeous drive I can ever remember. Fall colors were ablaze! The drive on Hwy 10 between Little Falls and Motley was breathtaking! Mile after mile of glorious, brilliant colors -- what a beautiful world! It was raining most of the weekend, so it was hard to get pictures. I did capture a few. Please enjoy the spectacular views!


  1. Beautiful colours. It's like there here a bit.

  2. Yummmy! I hope you had a great weekend! We are driving south on Saturday... I hope it has crept that way a bit!

  3. Spectacular color! Thank you, Carol!

  4. Those ARE beautiful! Wow! Glad you entered my giveaway....good luck! :)

  5. Thanks for this post. We make this journey every summer to visit family. It is even more beautiful in the fall. I hope you had a chance to stop in at Bay Window Quilts in Perham.

  6. We were just gone a week but I couldn't believe how much the trees had changed when I drove Chesty to the Vet today - Autumn is my favorite season!


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