
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Miss My Sewing Machine!

You may think I have been sewing, due to the pictures I posted here. You're only a tiny bit correct. I did not sew the squares above -- I only added the French knots by hand. These are for Caron's project, And Still Counting. Read about it here. She had the big quilt on display during the RNC.. very near my office, but I did not make it over there to see it in person (I wish I had). This is a picture I borrowed from Caron's site.

I have not had much time for sewing lately, and it is driving me nuts. I actually had not even touched my sewing machine in 11 days! To me that is an eternity. Tonight I sat down and made these two heart blocks. They are Heart Hugs for a Sunshine member whose father recently died. She asked for John Deere colors to honor her father's memory. How do you think I did on the John Deere look?

I hope to get in more sewing time this next weekend. I'm crossing my fingers!

no exercise for the last two days, other than about a mile that I clocked during my daily work routines - I'm not counting that toward my total


  1. The heart on the left is definitely John Deere. I have friends who farm and are John Deere freaks. Lol. At the Thrift Shop I found a set of John Deere dishes that I bought and gave to them. You'd think it was a set of fine china from their re-action. I'm sure your friend will love these hearts.

  2. Those are mostly certainly John Deere colours. Love the heart on the right.

    I think what Caron is doing is fantastic!

    Hope you manage to get some sewing time this weekend.

  3. Very John Deere - nice job.

  4. I just got these blocks in the post! Grateful Thanks for all your help! Happy birthday!


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