
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Andrea and the Cathedral - and my son!

I'm adding this a few hours after I wrote the below stuff. I can't believe I forgot to mention my favorite son! Today is his birthday! He is 22 years old. He is such a wonderful young man. I am terribly proud of him. Isn't he cute? Here he is last spring with my other favorite guy: my hubby. They are both adorable. [gush, gush]

Andrea H-M sent some gorgeous red/white blocks. They arrived today, one day after I chose a winner's name. Oh, I'm so sorry Andrea's name didn't get included in the drawing. Aren't her blocks wonderful???

Andrea, I am going to send you a home-made checkbook cover. I think you told me that you were sending blocks, and then I forgot. I could have waited another day. So you're getting a small version of the prize I sent out.

Today at work I happened upon this view of the St. Paul Cathedral. I used to take a lot of pictures of the cathedral back when I was posting a photo a day of St. Paul. I always loved finding unusal views of the cathedral. This one would have qualified.

no work-out today - but I walked up 4 flights of stairs again


  1. Those are very cute block! :) I smiled when I saw them.

    Also, I would love to see more pictures of that building, have you posted any others? It looks fantastic.


  2. Anonymous6:01 PM


  3. I love the Catherdral building but have never been in it..have you?

    Come take a peek at my blog!

  4. I would love to take a tour...let me know what you find out!

  5. I loe Andrea's blocks. I think they've got to be some of the best yet. I also love that strippy block in the last post.

    Have got another 2 quilts to make up and Finn is making another too.

  6. Andrea's blocks are adorable...and you are so kind to send her a gift out of the goodness of your heart!

    Those sons...they are pretty special, aren't they!

    I would bet that St. Paul is full of lovely scenes, everywhere you turn.

    Keep up the great work for a healthier you! ;-)

  7. For your kindness, I've just given you the "Cupcake Award" over on my blog. Truly very sweet of you!

    Thank you! Thank you!

  8. Many happy returns to your son. And you are doing such a wonderful job making all these quilts for charity!


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