
Friday, August 22, 2008

A Productive Last Day

Today is my last day of freedom (before heading back to work next week), and I'm trying to make it a productive one. I ran some errands, found some nice quality kids' shoes at a garage sale - I'll be sending these to Rosebud. (The kids I saw who had no shoes have been gnawing at my heart.) And I *finally* got this orphan-blocks top done. I monkeyed around with the border, and that's what slowed me down. I thought it needed something to tone down the busy-ness, and this seems to do the trick.

I got these lovely red/white blocks from Kathy T. This is her second batch (thanks, Kathy). As soon as I finish this message I am going to tackle some more red/white blocks myself, or I'll work on assembling a top. These have been such fun.

If you want to play along on my challenge, please feel free - but hurry! The deadline to enter blocks is in 9 days - August 31. I'll draw someone's name for a little prize as thanks for playing my challenge game.

I almost forgot to show you all these sedate Church Ladies. haha! We go out for dinner once a month. The group varies in numbers from month to month. Last time we had about 20, this time only 8. We always have fun, and this time for added sparkle I made them wear these tiaras (on which is printed "Women of [name of our church]"). Even a couple of the waitresses wore them around the restaurant, so we got a little free advertising.


  1. love the border -- it really does tone down the cetnre alot...

  2. the tiara's are great!

  3. Where on earth do you get your energy from? I love the orphan blocks and having looked at your fungly again I love it even more.

    Lovely red and whites :-)


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