
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Awesome Speech and Another Quilt

WOW! Obama blew my socks off with his fabulous speech tonight!! WooHoo!

And back to the mundane: I finished another red/white quilt top. This is top #4. Do you notice the shoes in the border fabric? They sort of give this quilt some movement, I think. I just thought the shoe fabric was awfully cute.

Today's 'get fit' report: I walked about 1.5 miles.


  1. I heard it on the BBC this morning - amazing. All we can do now is hope and pray that he gets in!

    I never thought about putting the blocks together like that. Somehow sashing in between feels more appropriate. Might try your way on the next quilt which is for a 3 year old so has got to be busy busy busy.

  2. Anonymous7:38 AM

    The Obamas certainly make a beautiful family. What a nice picture. Quilt top #4 looks great! It's fun to see a group effort come together in such a fun way. I like the border print. You're right, it's perfect for making the quilt move.

  3. the shoe fabric sure fits well with the quilt and your walking report :-)

  4. The blocks set together that way make a really happy quilt! Great shoe fabric as well.


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