
Monday, July 21, 2008

Sewing on my Mind

I wanted to sew, but I didn't want to think. So I made crumb blocks ... lots of them. And I want to keep going and make lots more. I reeaaally want to get my scrap piles depleted. So I'll see how long I can keep going on this mindless project. This is a pile of completed blocks (about 30 of them).

This is a pile, about the same number, of almost-completed blocks. I haven't made a very noticeable dent in my scraps. I'm going to keep going and keep going and going and going..... I hope I can make a dent!

Today's mail brought a couple of fun squishies... these red/white blocks from Caron. Aren't they cool? She said she was inspired by my Love (or anniversary) top to make improvisational blocks. I love them!

And I also got these pretty FQs from Donna, in celebration of my Turning Twenty quilt top. Wasn't that nice of her? I shall have to think of a special project for these.

This is my Turning Twenty top.


  1. love how your crumbs are turning out... I cut a bunch of foundations and found they went together really quickly..

  2. Love your crumbs! You will make a dent, you will.

    Mindless creativity is just what I've been striving for as well! Funny we both should talk about it on the same day.

  3. But the fun part of making crumb blocks is deciding how to set them together. :)

    I'm infected too, but I've heard of a hallucination that is common with the disease... we see ufo's. :)

  4. A question. Does the scrap bin EVER get emptied??????

  5. Crumb blocks - I call it sanity sewing. When I just need to sew for a little therapy, and don't want to plan anything.


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