
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Happy Birthday, D!

Here's the little guy at his party. Hard to believe he is a whole year old. See how great he looks?

They like the quilt! Hooray!


  1. and how could they not like the quilt????? What a cutie pie....aren't children adorable! This guy I'm sure is especially precious since he was so small when he came.

  2. What a cutie! He sure looks like he made up for lost time!

  3. Oh my! When we had our premature daughters...the docs told us that it would take about 2 years for them to catch up to their peers as far as physical growth. Looks like "D" has surpassed that theory!

  4. Anonymous3:40 PM

    What's not to like. The boy, the quilt, the birthday! Lovely all.

  5. You would never know he was so small. He is adorable.


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