
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Crumbs Saga

We've had birthdays and engagements to celebrate. In between times I have been trying to tackle my crumb blocks. I truly thought I could empty out ALL my scrap bins. Well, I will say I made a big dent. From 3 overflowing containers I whittled it down to one almost-full bin. Right now I have about 100+ regular crumb blocks on hand, a few white ones, black ones, and a decent pile of need-to-be-trimmed yellow crumbs. I'm trying to make some monochrome crumbs for some fun variation in my settings.

This little journey to eradicate my scraps reminded me that I was on an impossible quest. Every once in a while I have to re-test the duplicating skills of scraps and remind myself that I'm not the boss of the scraps. Pretty soon, though, I'll have a few fun crumb quilts to show for my efforts.


  1. I figure scraps are really bunnies -- dust bunnies reproducing faster than one can imagine...

  2. Your quilts are beautiful! I wish I could sew.

  3. I agree, every time I think I've got a handle on the scraps, I just make more. Crumb quilts are so much fun though. I can't wait to see yours!

  4. Scrap boxes have no bottoms, didn't you know. They can never be emptied. You will get some beautiful quilts from yours. Scrap quilts are my fave and I love the idea of a few monochrome blocks.

  5. playing in the scraps is like playing at the beach, unlimited material to work with!

  6. I love your crumb blocks. I really like the layout of the bright ones you've shown. It reminds me! I've not been able to sew much lately, and it has felt good to get back into it. Now, reading blogs has given me even more inspiration!


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