
Thursday, June 05, 2008

Front Porch Party - Want Some Pie?

I apologize for my very late arrival to the front porch party (hosted by Rhondi, here). It has been a crazy day... 8:00 p.m., and I am finally home and ready to post the photo of my front porch. I hope I haven't missed all the fun!

You can see that mine really isn't a porch. It's just a medium-sized stoop. This is a good "before" picture, though. We are probably going to do some major landscaping in our yard, and part of the remodeling will include some changes to this front stoop. A long time from now, you might get to see an "after" picture. When? I would suggest that you not hold your breath.

Since my front porch is rather boring (and gets too hot on a sunny afternoon), I'll also invite you to my back deck. It's cooler here - in the shade - and we have a little more space to sit and sip some lemonade, or if you'd rather, eat a lucious piece of Lemon Meringue Pie. Very summery, don't you think??

(Who spilled the butter along the bottom of my deck? Or is that the lemon for the pie I was about to make??? No, silly, it's Blogger being uncooperative again.)

If we are lucky, we can also watch the wren family build their nest in this little tent we provided for them. Can you see the little stick poking out of the hole? That's what the daddy wren put in there.. the mommy puts in the softer stuff like grasses. They have been singing such beautiful songs, but they are rather shy, and if you make a lot of noise, we won't get to see them.

What have the rest of you eaten or watched on your front porch today?


  1. What a lovely deck! The quilt is stunning and I'd love a piece of pie.

  2. Pretty quilt on your back deck and awesome view! Looks so peaceful. I had a wren build a nest next to my deck last year...directly above my head in a flower basket! It used to scare the living daylights out of me!

  3. Hi Carol, no you are not to late, alot of us are up late still visiting porches! I love the quilt on your back deck. Your yard looks so quiet and peaceful. Thanks for sharing!
    Love, Ann

  4. LOVE that quilt on your back deck, how gorgeous!!! :) xo!

  5. Lovely, LEAFY and GREEN deck - wish I had it HERE!

    Hey, that quilt would be nice HERE also!

    Wherever did you find that tent birdhouse? Looks like the pole would be too slippery for those egg-robbing squirrels.

  6. Ooh, lemon meringue pie? I'd love some!
    Your deck is gorgeous!
    Thank you for my visit!

  7. I like the quilt on your back deck

  8. I'm still making my rounds on Rhondi's list! What a sweet porch and I love your deck! That quilt is so pretty and what a cute idea for a wren house! Lemon Meringue pie is miy favorite!
    Blessings, Shirl

  9. Stoops are good. A good place to plop down with a cup of coffee to chat with a neighbor or rest a bit while getting some fresh air. Your flowers are beautiful! I like the quilt that covers your chair too. :)

    The quilt on your back deck, where I'm guessing is where you really hang out all summer, is so beautiful! Reminds me of the Fourth of July!!


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