
Monday, June 30, 2008

A Baby and Some Blocks

We had a special visitor (our great-nephew) come over and sit on one of my quilts. He also enjoyed helping us unfold our pile of laundry.

And for the mundane news (at least in comparison with cutie-pie babies), recently I received more red/white blocks - not so mundane after all! I'm getting a respectable pile of blocks and can hardly wait to start playing with them all. Please keep 'em coming! See my post here about my red/white challenge, in case you missed it.

These are what I managed to make while on vacation last week.

These are by Teresa. I love the hands with hearts!

These are by Carol M. More hearts! Clare will be happy.

This is a loner that I made from leftover pieces.

We had supper at Panera and this was the quilty seat I was sitting on. That's my arm and the quilty upholstery at Panera.

1 comment:

  1. Such a cutie pie, that little guy!
    Love the blocks..I'll be sending mine along when I send the mourning blankets.
    Wanted to let you know I mentioned you and the Minnesota Quilts book today at the Train. If you are going to get a copy, there might be competition now *VBG* Hugs, Finn


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