
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Summer is Coming!

Today was a PERFECT, absolutely gorgeous day... blue skies, sun, pleasant temperatures, not hot, not cold! Whee! Hallelujah! Big, big smiles. A day like today is worth celebrating! It'll be like this tomorrow, too. Maybe I'll find some time to get out for a nice walk and get some pictures of the spring flowering trees. Everything is late this year because it has been so cool. Trees are just now at their glorious peak.

Does summer make you think of ice cream? Well.. I should admit that this photo was taken in the middle of the winter. But summer is, if nothing else, a good excuse to think about (and EAT) ice cream. When hubby and I go out on a (rare) date, at the end of the evening we like to stop at our neighborhood McDonald's and get these twist cones. It is one of the last holdouts that still offers chocolate ice cream, and twist cones are just a lucious and yummy treat that we both love after a night out.

I haven't done a lot of sewing lately, but I'm slowly working on these HSTs. I saved them over a long period of time. Most of them were made as "bonus" HSTs when making other, flip & sew blocks. I really didn't know how many I had, and was pleased to see that I had enough to make a good start on a nice, scrappy quilt. Stay turned to see how this one evolves.

And here's some excitement happening outside my office window. These stairs have been a fixture in my city for many years. The view from the top is really cool. Adults have memories of playing on these as kids, and others have memories of walking up and down for exercise. A few of us from my office have done that, although not recently. Well, now the stairs are coming down due to boulder damage to the supports. They are no longer safe. And who knows when they'll be replaced? I heard the word "million" in the estimated replacement cost. So.. I'm guessing it'll be a good chunk of time 'til that happens. I'll be watching this process for the next couple of days. If it gets interesting I'll share more photos.


  1. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Yes cream = summer in my book-and chocolate! My fav. I love the looks of the layout on those HSTs. Your colors are so bright and happy. Looking forward to seeing how you finish it! Bummer about the stairs.

  2. fun colors in your HST - so much to play, esp when these were bonus bits.

  3. I love your HST quilt. How cool is it to be able to make a whole quilt out of "freebies" The colors are so happy.


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