
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sew Happy

Wow, I sure was successful at ignoring housework this weekend! (Please don't pay me a surprise visit. Yikes!) And I got a lot of sewing done. That felt great! It was cold and even a little snowy (though our snow has melted by now), so it was a great weekend to stay inside and work on quilts. I did have a good visit with some old friends at a Saturday evening dinner/planning meeting. Otherwise I pretty much stayed home. Here are pictures of my progress:

I made a block for the Lotto I participate in. This one is for April. I only managed to make one, because previously I made one and then accidentally sewed it to the bottom of another project! Dumbo! I didn't have any interest in making more than one. It was just a miracle to get this one finished.

Since it is so close to May, I went ahead and made two lotto blocks for May. These were kinda fun. I wouldn't mind winning these!

This is a Home of the Brave quilt that I volunteered to assemble. My guild makes a lot of these, along with Quilts of Valor.

While I was in the mode, I made these blocks for another Home of the Brave quilt.

And I made two blocks for Quilts of Valor

I tried to get caught up on my quilt journaling, but realized I didn't have all the pictures I needed. Since I started quilting in 1999 I have kept a record of the quilts I make for friends, family, and for me. I'm already into Book 3! I don't even record all the charity quilts I make, except for a rare one that may be for a family member or unique cause. It's really fun to look back and see how far I have come. I'm still loving quilting, and I keep learning more and more about it. I am still amazed that I know how to do this wonderfully fun art/craft!


  1. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Great to hear that you've been so busy Carol! And you get so much done, too!

    For recording - I manage to take a picture of everything I sew/quilt, but only really document the charity quilts (size, pattern, colors, quilter, where sent, when sent [kitter if needed]) in an excel spreadsheet - I figure I'll see most of the 'others' at some later time, I guess!

  2. Looks like lots was accomplished! How is the block for the roll of honour measured out? is it time consuming? I'm thinking it would make a great block for a signature quilt....

  3. You've been busy! Love those sandals on the lotto fabric.

    Your journal looks great! I have done this only sporadically, but it's on my to-do list to get it all worked up.

  4. You got a lot done and never mind the housework. It will wait for you.

  5. Yeah for playing hooky from the chores! One thing I've learned, it'll all be there waiting for you!

    Love your projects. Wish I had started a quilting journal when I started quilting back in 1990. I love to journal, and it would be great to see all the quilts I've made in one place. I DO collect thank you cards- the ones from the guys in the military are the baest!


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