
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sewing While Waiting

Still waiting for my Mavericks ring code to be re-established; I'm still a Dead End if you're trying to travel the ring. I hope to have that fixed soon. Meanwhile I have been doing a fair amount of sewing. On National Quilting Day (last Saturday) a couple of my Yahoo groups had a virtual retreat. I managed to get two tops put together.

This one I had started a couple weeks before and then stalled. Once I got back to it, it completed itself quickly (to the flimsy stage only).

This one is orphan blocks. I wasn't as thrilled with how this one ended up, but I guess it's OK. At least it's one-of-a-kind, and the kid in the next bed (at the orphanage, hospital, or wherever it ends up) won't have the exact same quilt! Interestingly, after I made this one, I just started randomly sewing together other orphan blocks and leftover pieces of things. I didn't plan a thing, just started sewing and putting in little spacers when they didn't fit properly, or whacking them off if they were too big. That one is still incomplete, but I am liking it better than the one I tried to plan! I'll get back to Total Random Quilt one of these days and then you can see what you think of it.

I'm working on Tonya's Summer 08 class... A Study in Repetition. This is what I have so far. I have a couple other ideas to include, too. I'm trying not to rush this one, because that's when I put in something I don't really like. Since I'm working with such an important word I need to be extra careful this time. (tee hee)

This morning it snowed. We're still a ways off from true Spring.

1 comment:

  1. Never fun to mess the the technical stuff. More fun to quilt and I see you have been up to just that. I love the orphan block quilt and the block letters. The orphan quilts, to me, are always so interesting. A lot to look at. Keep it up. Terry


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