
Saturday, February 09, 2008

Is This a Quilt or a Poster?

This quilt is never-ending. I made it out of blocks that were given to me as gifts over a period of a few years. I was a Lotto coordinator, and people sometimes sent me a gift block when they sent in their monthly Lotto blocks. Wasn't that nice?? I saved them all, and this is the quilt that resulted.

I ran out of the fabric I was using for sashing and border. It sat unfinished for a long time until I finally bought more fabric that sort of has the colors of the first border. However, it is much darker. When I stepped back and took a careful look, the border was just too dark to leave alone. And the middle row of red hearts was too white. (I bordered them to enlarge them... why didn't I use some nice color there??)

So I began to add words. I think I might still add a few hearts in the upper left area... but for the most part I'm done adding border embellishments. I told my husband that with all those words I was turning my quilt into a poster.

I like it better without such a stark and stunningly dark border. And I'm happy to say that this looks close to being ready for the quilter! It took a while, but when it's finally done, I think I'm going to love this quilt.

Oh... a Fat Quarter goes to the first person who can correctly identify the person whose quote I have in the hearts row. Who said "do all the good you can?"


  1. My guess John Wesley

  2. I'm so happy to see that you've put your name and the year on the quilt - woohoo, claim it!

  3. Dot wins! I'll send her a FQ this week. It was John Wesley, founder of Methodism. I have Methodism in my blood so thought it would be a good quote to have on my quilt.

  4. I love the quilt. Dot beat me to the guess. I grew up Methodist so I've heard the quote a few times.

  5. I'm glad that I wasn't the first. I was going to say the Candy Man...Sammy Davis Jr. Shew. You'd have thought that I was really kooky if I would have said that, wouldn't you!

  6. That's a great quilt! Perhaps I should look at my orphan blocks with a bit more respect because maybe one day they could turn into something that is as much fun as yours.

  7. Love, love love the words in the border!

  8. It's absolutely charming! Hey, it IS what it IS! And you have a story behind it, in addition.

    Quilt show photos are stunning also - thanks for the eye candy.

  9. Well, I would have been wrong too :-P (I would have guessed Mother Theresa.)

    It's a cheerful quilt. I'm glad you were able to make it into something you can enjoy.


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