
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Vote, Please?

Option 5

Option 6

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

I made 16 blocks and am contemplating a setting for them. I photographed four options, then two more. That's why the numbering (above) is funny. Would you like to tell me which setting you prefer? I'm just curious what YOU would do with these blocks.

This is what is going to happen to this quilt: it will be hand delivered to some baby or child in Panama! In fact, I hope it will make its way to the hospital in which I was born. Yes, I was born in Panama and lived there for 2.5 years. Now someone I know is planning a trip there; I asked if she could take along a quilt or two. I have my fingers crossed that my quilt(s) will end up at the hospital where I took my first breath.

Now whether that alters how you vote, I don't know. Just thought I'd share that story.... so, which design do you like best for this little quilt, for a baby in Panama, for a baby at "my" hospital??


  1. I choose either 4 or 2, leaning more towards 4.

  2. I like 2 with that really strong diagonal and it doesn't have any "chunky" bits. isn't it fun to play with all the different arrangements?

  3. Hard decision. i think option 6 but I like them all.

  4. hehehe...I did this same thing with the contrary wife blocks, and in the end, I couldn't decide, so I made 5 or 6 all in different settings.

    I like the zig zags, but horizontally. My absolute favorite is the X in the middle (number 4).

  5. Anonymous5:27 AM

    4 and 6

  6. Amazing that there are so many combinations possible. Like them all, but especially 2 and 6.

  7. *jumps up and down wildly*

    2! Pick 2!

  8. I like 2 and 4-- both are a little unusual and I think would be fun to look at over and over. Thanks for the inspiring layouts!

  9. I really like #2...and #6 is a close second.

    What a lucky baby! And a pretty fine story. Ah...the circle of life.

    Good luck with your set-up for the show. I think it's very clever of you to have Tonya's words of wisdom close by. So many of us get caught up in the "showy-ness" of quilting.

  10. Option 1. Welcome to the group called "Indecision" LOL.

    It's really cute, though, any way!

    BTW, I like to see almost your whole face behind that machine.

  11. Okay, I've changed my mind a couple of times already. I think I'm going to choose option 6. They all look great, though.

  12. I love creation 2

  13. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I like 4 and 6. Four is WOW. However, all are gorgeous!

  14. I think I like #4 the best but it's a hard call!

  15. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Two or six.

  16. oh HOW can you pick? I think I will buck the crowd and go for FIVE! :::grin::: maybe I'm a maverick after all..hehehehe

  17. Option 2, because I like the movement, altho they're all great!

  18. Option 6 stands out for me.

  19. #2 and #5. I love the movement in both of these. The one thing I don't like about #5 is the one longish chunky bit.

  20. Option 2 is my favorite!

    : )

  21. I like 1 or 4.........isn't it fun playing and then getting help to decide.......

  22. I've been back and forth several times, but option four is the one that really sticks with me.

  23. I like stars so number 4 was top of the list for me, then I read further about it's destination and that sealed my choice. Number 4. The big red cross just seems appropriate to go to a hospital.

    Mind you... they're all lovely and any layout would be gratefully received.

  24. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I like #2 best. is it too late to vote?


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