
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Meet Steve

Steve is our new housemate. I bought him at Ikea for only $5. He is poseable and likes to dance and do strange contortions. Steve was getting a little cold, so he was granted his wish of a quilt of his own. (Don't tell him it is still just a flimsy.. it hasn't been quilted, or really even designed, for that matter. He'll never know the difference.)

Steve is so happy to be warm! He'll need this quilt on Wednesday when the high is supposed to be a whopping 4 degrees F (about -17 C).


  1. Hi Steve...think you may need to request a flannel plaid quilt to get you thru this cold weather...

  2. Oh yes...anyone can see that he's totally happy. It's written all over his face! ;-) lol

    Stay warm!!!

  3. Steve, you are so silly! I know how cold it can get in Minnesota. I love your quilt.


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