
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Houses and UFOs

Hooray, it's the weekend! I truly love weekends. We had yummy pizza for supper, and then I treated myself to just having fun at the sewing machine. I was playing with houses ala Tonya. I'm still working on the technique. I'm not crazy about the roof on this one, but I love the window and the chimney.

I like my cute smiley skeleton in the window. I hope he doesn't scare some little kid.

Apparently this is a house in Australia. Looks like the kangaroo is going to crash into the side of the house.

These houses are becoming the last row in a very old UFO. Here's the UFO, patiently waiting for me to finish it. (Oh, what? Already? After only 3 million years? What's the rush?) I made all the blocks except for the cool weeping willow tree. I don't know who made that one. I have been the recipient of many orphan blocks over the years and can't keep track of who made what. I can barely remember my own name most days!

This house didn't make it into this UFO but will definitely get used in another.

I have been slowly whittling away at my UFOs and intend to keep doing so in 2008. I would love to get them down to just a handful. Last time I pulled them all out I didn't even dare count them all. This house UFO will soon be done, and it will go to Wrap a Smile, for a kid getting a new smile after cleft lip surgery.

And yes, I am posting this at 2-something a.m.!


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    LOVE it! I love how all the blocks are just a little "off" from what we expect!

  2. I love your wonky houses. The UFO is definitely worth finishing.

  3. Oh! Very cool house building...and all in the wee hours of the day! Love the wonky little trees, too. Well done!

  4. isn't it great to finish these UFO's and enjoy them!

  5. Woohoo, your houses look very bold and confident. I love your trees, with the trunks narrowing at the bottom. Some kid is going to LOVE this quilt.

  6. The quilt is darling, but the HOUSES are just tooooo cute! Love 'um, and they are giving me an idea for a project I have to work on! Thanks for your creativity!

  7. I haven't stopped by for awhile, and just look at all I've missed! You have been one busy lady. ;o) LOVE the little houses! That's going to be an adorable quilt!

    Now, off to see what else you've been up to...

  8. Oops, almost forgot... happy blogging anniversary! lol

  9. I did count my UFOs and I'm still reeling from the shock! LOL But it's soooo hard to ignore all the new things that come along....sigh.

  10. Carol
    What a wonderful row of houses to put on a great quilt. Very fun.

  11. I need to try some houses...yours are so cool...I love that first one with the weird roof and the zesty siding. Your orphan quilt is going to really look nice!

  12. What *great* house blocks! That's going to be a happy quilt :- )

    And congratulations on your blogiversary!

  13. Cute wonky houses!! The ones that are the most "off" have the greatest appeal.


  14. What a great quilt for such a great cause... ;)

    And I don't think the bones in the window will scare anyone, maybe make them giggle though!

  15. I love the houses and trees. I want to work on a quilt with them this year. I made a Holiday House wallhanging but my house wasn't all that wonky. Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Aahhh I love these houses!!


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