
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

My Winter Top

I finished my top for Tonya's winter class. Here it is! I'll add a star above the manger (so technically it's not finished, I suppose).. and after quilting I will add some knitting needles reincarnated as drumsticks.

I finally gave in and bought more space so I could continue to post photos here. Hopefully it won't be an issue again for a long time.


  1. It's wonderful. I love the row of trees on the bottom.

  2. Nice job! I didn't know that space was even an issue until you mentioned it the other day. And now I find out that you can buy more of it! Any idea what kind of limits there are?
    Is it by number of picutres, size of the pictures, etc?

  3. You did a great job! Trees, the nativity, the drumsticks, I love it all.

  4. Ok, what a clever quilt!! I love your letters. great work!



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