
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Who is Nice?

A while ago Finn tagged me with the Nice Matters Award. Ohhh, I do appreciate that, Finn! (And I do believe that it matters when people are nice.) Thank you! It's my job to send it on to another nice person, and I decided to tag Tracey, because she does a lot of charity quilting, and also she sent me a book, free, because she knew I wanted to read it! Recently she donated a quilt to a neighborhood kid just because. So you've been tagged, Tracey! You get to decide who else in Blogland deserves a Nice Award. You can pick up to five recipients! I went with just one, because I felt overwhelmed trying to pick five out of all the wonderful bloggers I've met. They all deserve it! But Tracey was most recently nice to me, so she wins.

Check in later.. I'll show you the untraditional quilt I made this weekend. First I have to take care of laundry and some other junky chores. (Oh how I would much rather sew today!!!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much, Carol! That is so sweet of you to tag me! Now I'll have to think about who else is nice that hasn't been tagged repeatedly already!


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