
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Disaster in Minneapolis

Just 90 minutes ago a freeway bridge in Minneapolis collapsed over the Mississippi River. There are multiple injuries, and at least 50 vehicles involved, either thrown into the river, crushed, or otherwise traumatized. I took these pictures off copies of video that I got off the web, so they are very blurry. I'm shocked and feel sick looking at the pictures. Lots of people need prayers for courage and healing.

Now they are saying that a thunderstorm with lightning and hail is headed into that area.

My immediate family is fine, and I am praying that my friends are as well.


  1. Oh my....I don't even know what to say...scary, unbelievable, etc. I'm glad to hear that you are safe.

  2. I have sent email and blogged checking on friends. Prayers and blessing to all involved!!! Glad to hear your family is OK!

  3. I just saw the headline on my home page as I powered up the computer. This is awful, Carol and of course, I immediately though of you and Mary of Maryquilts since I know you both live in that area. Good to know you and yours are okay but so, so sad for the workers and unfortunate people who were on that busy road at the time.

  4. We were glued to the TV last night, watching all of the news unfold. So very unfortunate and horrific. So many questions. My prayers and thoughts are with the Twin Cities people today. 35W is a road/bridge that I've driven often I'm certain there are travelers from other areas too that need our prayers.


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