
Friday, June 29, 2007

Just a Mini

For some reason I made this little miniature quilt. Don't ask me why. I just found myself working on it. The little squares are 1-inch. The total quilt is 8" x 9". I kinda don't like the way I quilted it, but I like everything else about it... especially the fact that I started it in the evening and had it done by midnight. Maybe this little mini quilt celebrates the fact that I have the next ten days off! WooHoo!!!


  1. That is just the cutest little quilt!! :D

  2. I think it look very sweet and cute!

  3. Hi Carol, it may be a mini but it has a big impact! I think you did a fantastic job. Maybe it just needs a bit of 'something' in the border?
    I think it's adorable! Glad to hear you have some time off. Hugs, Finn

    P.S. Did I hear you say something about orphans??? *G*

  4. What a cute little quilt! Making minis is so very satisfying - you can get such quick satisfaction with the quick finish.

  5. L absolutely love that...and I love a one day finish! Tracey
    ps,there are somethings that shouldn't be in your local town...and one is a need to get into "get away" mentality to enjoy a retreat,

  6. That is adorable Carol!


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