
Thursday, May 03, 2007

So Many Blocks, So Little Time

Thanks to everyone who visited my 100th posting and left a comment! I appreciated each and every visit. I drew a name and Norma of Silver Thimble Quilting is the winner! I'll send off a nice little prize to Norma (who has a gorgeous quilt posted at her blog today. Check it out!)

A few people, at my invitation, have sent me their orphan blocks. I will put these together and make charity quilts for kids. I have an enormous pile of them on my cutting table! Don't know when I'll get time to work with them all, but I'll try a little this next weekend. I usually have more time in the summer, too, so that will soon be upon us, and I'll get busy sewing.

The other day I popped in to one of my favorite quilt shops ( Colorful Quilts in St. Paul, MN) and bought these beautiful oriental fabrics. She always has a great selection in her sale area; I got these at half price! She loves bringing in new and gorgeous fabrics, so she keeps the "old" ones moving fast through the sales area. It's a very beautiful shop and aptly named. Her quilts are bright and beautiful.

It has been a long, busy week at work, and I'm looking forward to the weekend. My son's college choir is having their big spring concert on Sunday. I always love their concerts.


  1. THe red and pink fabric on the left is just fabulous! I'm afraid I would never be able to cut it. Ihope you don't have that phobia about cutting into gorgeous fabrcis.

  2. These are wonderful--what will they inspire you to make?

  3. I reallylike the red and pink on the left as well, looks great, Tracey

  4. Love the pink and red oriental fabric -- like Joyce, not sure I could cut it, but then again -- I could force myself!


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