
Saturday, May 26, 2007

Long Weekend!

Yesterday after work I dropped off my Project Linus quilts at Treadle Yard Goods, and came home with these fun fabrics. They were calling to me, and I gave in to the pressure!

Aren't these duckies just the cutest?? Not sure what I'll do with these. They'll have to sit and wait their turn, until something comes along that wants their cute, bright selves to join the fun.

Meanwhile I am sewing a bit and interrupting myself with blog viewing and generally being very disorganized, but having fun. I think I will pull out some old UFOs and see if I can get them out of my to-do pile.

Here's something beautiful for you to enjoy. My co-worker has a green thumb the size of Texas and brought in these absolutely gorgeous irises (and peonies) for the rest of us to gaze upon. I took about 4 zillion pictures of them. My irises are still little green pointy things about 3 inches out of the dirt. This iris, from the point of this white petal to the point of that back petal, is about 8 inches! Awesome!


  1. I love your fabric choices! Those ducks are cute!

  2. Nice brights. Amazing iris. Mine never look that good

  3. Hi Carol, I'd forgotten you were St. Paul, til I saw the Treadle reference...LOL Great little shop! My DD#1 used to shop there for suprises for me..*S*

    Love, love, love the new fabrics. where on earth did you find such great ones???? And the iris is spectacular. Hugs, Finn

  4. Got the fabrics at Treadle Yard Goods, Finn! They always have irresistible beauties.

  5. Great colours on those new fabrics, look forward to seeing them in a quilt soon.
    Your boy looks to be having fun!
    Well done on the finishes...and to a good cause as well, Tracey

  6. Those ducks need to stay together as a border! Too cute to cut apart!


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