
Sunday, January 14, 2007

U R Cool

This is a miniature quilt that I made today. It measures about 11" x 14". It was very spur of the moment. I actually sat down to make a fabric postcard. Now that this is done, I wish I had used an upper case R, because this kinda looks like "Up Cool." I'm not even sure what I'm going to do with this little quilt.

On the news I saw the horrible ice storms going through the southern plains states.. quite a widespread storm! We got some very beautiful snow here in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. It looks like about two inches. It finally looks like Christmas! I turned on my outdoor Christmas lights again, just for fun, because they never looked "right" when we had our brown Christmas.

I hope you are all doing well, especially Tonya while you work through this medical exploration thing. And I hope none of those horrible car accidents in the ice (that I saw on TV) involved anyone I know from Blogland. Stay home and be safe! Tomorrow is another day off, so I plan to do more sewing! Wheeeee!


  1. Very cute! That would be a great gift for some teenager in your life!

    Nice to see that you finally got some snow. We are still waiting...we had a flurry last week here in CT, but thats all.

  2. Another idea would be to make a few "wordie" quilts...and create a wall arrangement with them. Very fun, Carol!

  3. Had to grin at the postcard AND at your getting lost hopping around the rings... I do the exact same thing when I'm not using bloglines - I think it's because sometimes the Maverick logo's on top, sometimes the Stashbusters are... and I'm just looking for Next... lol

  4. I like the lower case R! It "r" cool :)

  5. Awesome little quilt, I love Darcie's idea of making other small quilts like this. What a fun arrangement that would be!

  6. That is cute- anda little ironic to post "UR cool" right before the snpow hit ;-)


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