
Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Sewing Weekend

Wow, this week went so fast! My work week was crazy and busy. I was so happy when the weekend came. I spent almost the entire weekend sewing. My sweet husband did a bunch of housework and laundry to keep us going on that mundane stuff, and so I could sew to my heart's content. Isn't he a gem?

These are the string blocks I made to send to Nancy of the Stashbusters ring (her birthday request). I assumed more people would make them with red center lines, so I made mine blue. Then I found out on the Heartstrings project that they are getting more blue centers than red.

The next photo shows the 8 blocks I made for Heartstrings. These are a great way to use up strips of various widths, and they make such cute quilts! After I catch up on UFOs I am sure I will be interested in making more of these and making the tops myself. For now I'm going to send these in to be used in the communal pot for making charity quilts.

Another thing I did this weekend was make 50 four patch blocks for Sunshine, another Yahoo group of which I am a member. We make quilts for kids who undergo cleft palate surgery, and quilts for kids in orphanages worldwide. Here is a sample of some of the blocks I made, and the pile of 50 that I am sending to the person who issued this challenge.

These are some bags that will be filled with school supplies. This is a project we do at church. They are given to a church relief organization that distributes these to areas in need. I like making these bags. Today I had to be creative as some of my fabric pieces weren't big enough. I like these funky bags! The last one, made entirely of upholstery fabric sample pieces, got pretty thick on the sewing of the handles, and I broke my needle. I think that's a sign to stop sewing for the weekend and start to plan my work week.

front and back
I have a whole box full of upholstery samples that we got from a neighborhood furniture store. A woman at my church works there. The samples are so helpful in making these bags!
Tomorrow is the fifth anniversary of my father's death. I can hardly believe it was five years ago! But when I think of my son who is now 20, back when he was 15 seems like a lifetime ago. It's all relative. I hope my mom has an OK day on Monday, remembering her husband, my dad who was such a loving man. I still miss him and dream about him. But I know he is doing fine, and so are we. Give your family a hug today!


  1. Lucky you to be able to sew all weekend! The blocks and bags all look great!

    Hope you have a good day tomorrow, I'm sure you'll be thinking of your Dad a lot :-)

  2. Wow, you really got a lot done!

    What's the final arrangement for the 4-patch units?

  3. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Your DH is a real sweetie! The bags are great - we did something similar last year, hundreds of school bags and toiletry bags went to Papua New Guinea. I thoroughly enjoyed the project, and it sounds like you're loving it too :-)

  4. You have been busy! I got a bunch of upholstry fabrics from a thrift store a few years ago and they make wonderful bags. I made several Yoga bags for friends.

  5. Those are very nice heartstring blocks. Your scraps are way prettier than mine!


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