
Thursday, January 04, 2007

Another Quilt Done!

Wow, I'm on a roll! I finished another quilt today. It's for the challenge at the Feb. show, so I can't show it to you until later. Here's a sneak peek... what do you think?? Does it look like a winner to you??? LOL.

This is the back, and when I took the picture, I wasn't quite done sewing down the hanging sleeve.

Next I'll show you a random, crazy shot. I took this just to see if my camera battery was still working. (It was.) I look out my sewing room door to the front hall. There's a little table there full of junk. I try to keep it cleaned off, but it piles up again. There is a big box I will put in the mail tomorrow, a piece of clothing and an old goldfish bowl/terrarium that I will give to Goodwill, a set of sheets that we got for Christmas (those are now in the dryer), some quilting books that were in my way, some quilty stuff that I am going to give away, some stuff to take to church, and the big dark object on the bottom shelf is my FW that is in a cooler. (I didn't want it to get too hot in this unseasonably warm winter weather.)

Want to show me what you see when you look out your sewing room door? I dare ya! And no fair cleaning up first, either.


  1. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Beautiful quilt, LOL. I love that dotty fabric. And the wall-hanging from your previous post is gorgeous! I didn't even notice mismatched points.

  2. Anonymous5:13 PM

    The backing looks nice! Is it a hint about the front? Or do you do backings that don't necessarily 'go' with the front like I do??

    I'll grab my camera and take a picture of what I see from my sewing area and post it later tonight (Good, I needed movtivation to blog!) What you see from my sewing area is the other half of the playroom...and it is sure to be a mess! LOL

  3. I love that backing fabric - I'm a sucker for circles!

  4. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Can't wait to see the other side - turn it around! turn it around! :)

  5. I keep looking back at your blog, hoping you'll post the front of that polka-dotty quilt ... lol

    As for what I see from my sewing area, I'm divorced, so I can have my house the way I want, and my sewing room is my living room, where I actually do my living. :) I have sort of a 'single person's hobby arrangement' with tv, fabric rolling cart, sewing machine, printer, and computer desk all exactly where I use them most. When company comes, I have to roll stuff down the hall to my un-used sewing room... turn the couch around so it faces the other couch, etc. Heaven forbid someone comes unannounced!


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