
Friday, November 03, 2006

My Son Did It!

I have not had time to do much sewing, so I'm showing you a quilt from the past. My son made this when he was 18!! He wouldn't let me help at all except for a bit of cutting and part of the binding. He made it for his girlfriend. The sad part is that they have since broken up. But what a sweet guy my son is! He did a great job, and I was (am) so proud of him!


  1. Wow!!! That is an excellent job your son did! I see why you are proud of him.

  2. That's very cool! Will he ever make a quilt again? Too bad about the break-up. I hope she's still able to cherish it.

  3. I think I would have demanded the quilt back! It's beautiful. I hope he makes another one.

  4. Hi Carol, it really is a gorgeous quilt! And what a lucky girl to have a guy who cares that much.
    Hopefully it came back to him??
    If not, it's still very, very lovely. Hugs, Finn


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