
Sunday, October 08, 2006

Secret Projects

I am working on two projects that I can't show you! This first one is a project we are doing at my guild. We each put our choice of fabric into a bag and gave it to the coordinator. She gave them out to other people, so that we ended up with a bag of fabric, but not our own. Our job is to make a small wall hanging using this person's fabric. We don't know whose it is! At the end we will get our own fabrics back, transformed into a finished wall hanging.

Here is a picture of the fabric that came out of the bag I was assigned. I spent today working on this project, but I can't show it to you until November. (If the owner of the fabric sees this, she now knows who is working on her wall hanging, which is already spoiling the surprise a little bit, but I doubt if my guild members dig this far into my blogs.... except Sally, and she said it's not her fabric.)

The other project I can't show you until February! It is a challenge for our quilt show in Feb. We have to make a small quilt using a particular fabric, and our quilt has to fill in the blank, "B is for _______." Mine is nothing at all like I had envisioned myself making, but I like it so far. You'll see it in 2007!

I forgot I was going to start a new Gratitudes list, going alphabetically. Got this idea on another blog. I had to come back and edit this entry so I could add my list:

Gratitudes, "A"
1. a capella choir - my son is having a great experience in his college choir, and they sound great
2. apples - great time of year to get good, crisp apples
3. aunts - I don't have many left! I appreciate my Aunt Dody.


  1. It's so hard to work on things you can't show, isn't it!?

  2. I like the assortment of fabrics you are working with...I'll be looking forward to seeing what you are doing with them!


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