
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Response to my Self Portrait Game

Interesting comments and guesses. Thanks for playing my game. Yes, I'm a quilter. Yes, I enjoy music. I have played instruments in the past, both clarinet & recorder, but currently don't play any instrument. I have also been in several choirs over the years. I love listening to music and last week attended a fantastic Minnesota Orchestra concert.

I write a lot of letters and have two trusty pen pals, one in Nebraska, one in Czech Republic.

Red? That postcard really is orange. I used to say that yellow & orange were my favorite colors. These days I love so many colors, I can't pick a favorite. I chose that orangey background because it is bright, cheery, and warm, three attributes that I like to pretend I have.

Winter is my 2nd favorite after fall. I did not attend Hamline University, but my son currently does, and I just love that school (I'm on a parent council there.)

I do know American Sign Language! I'm a sign language interpreter by profession... have done so for 24 years! It is a wonderful career.

The blue piece is a picture of a hand. Hands are important to me, both for my profession and for my avocation, quilting. Admittedly, this is a frog hand, but what the heck... it's representational.

I have only seen the Gee's Bend exhibit in books and on TV. Would love to see it in person some day.

This one puzzles me: I have an expensive sewing machine? Is that represented on my self-portrait somehow? I have a low end but very nice machine, more money than I ever thought I'd spend on a machine, but definitely not as high as one can go.

This was fun!


  1. I think the "expensive machine" comment is because of your decorative stitches - my machine can't do hearts.

    And it's so cool that you're an ASL interpreter! I'm profoundly deaf - I was homeschooled, but when I went to college, I needed real time captionist and occationally an interpreter. (Math doesn't "type" well). I started learning sign language when I was 15. I taught my baby sister (who's my best friend too!) how to sign and now she is working towards getting her ASL interpreter certification.

    The sad part is that I live a thousand miles away from my sister and I don't have anybody to practice signing with... and I'm so rusty now! :( But I do hope to teach my kids... whenever I do have them. :)

  2. Leah, I might be getting trained on real-time captioning soon.

  3. What a fun postcard! Why is it women are apologetic about their good sewing machines and men brag about their expensive golf clubs?!

  4. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The Ghee's Bend Quilts were in the Clevelnad Art Museum a few years ago. The display is very moving - they LIVED "use it up, make do or do without." The quilts were both utilitarian and beautiful. If you get a chance, do go see it in person. You won't regret it.


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