
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Pretty quilts

These are some round robin quilts that were done by a few people in my local guild. I did not participate. It wasn't the typical round robin where you add whatever you want. They had to add specific rows, and that felt like something I would dislike doing. So I did the secret fabrics-in-a-bag thing where I got to do whatever I want... I'm almost done with it; you'll see it in November.


  1. I'd be the same kind of quilter that you must be. Teachers would say of me, "doesn't stay in the lines, likes to do her own thing, etc".

    But these are pretty quilts and I'd be happy to have one or more on my beds.

  2. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Hi there, I came here through a link...somewhere!

    I'm new to quilting and am really enjoying it. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time, but had put it off because I thought it was too hard and I'd never be able to do it. I'm glad I finally gave it a shot because now I'm totally addicted!

    Great blog, I'll be back again!

    Have a great day!

  3. I did a few round robins and stopped doing them. Those quilts are really pretty!

    Judy L.


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