
Sunday, October 29, 2006

One of my Houses

One night I played with Tonya's wonky house tutorial and made two house blocks. One immediately went into a project that I can't show you yet. The other one sat around waiting for a good spot to go, and eventually found its way into this quilt. The hot air balloons were made by someone else in a challenge from me to use that wall paper-ish looking fabric and make it kid-friendly. I decided to add the house (with added tree made from wall paper-y fabric) underneath and a bird and cloud above. After I got it put together I had these thoughts:
1) the tree next to the wonky house looks like a large guitar jammed handle first into the ground
2) the bird is either sitting on a cloud or is producing a very large "splat"

This is going to a kid's quilt donation group; I just hope whoever gets the quilt enjoys the ambiguity of my tree and cloud designs.


  1. I think this quilt (and quilter) has a great sense of humor. I'm sure the recipient will 'get it'. :)

  2. Oh, it's loads of fun. Some lucky child will love this quilt and drag it around constantly.

  3. Hi Carol, it's a great wonky house!! And what a great idea to have the guitars in there..*VBS* Sure makes it one of a kind! Great job! Hugs, Finn

  4. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I think any child would love to get this cheery quilt! Lots to imagine.

  5. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Those balloon blocks look familiar!
    I love the house, you tied them all together perfectly!


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