
Monday, September 18, 2006

Some Old Photos

I went through some of my older photos that are stored in my computer and decided to post some here. Maybe I'll add more tomorrow. As Helen Kelley says, every quilt tells a story!

This is a quilt I sent to a baby who survived Katrina. She was only 3 weeks old at the time Katrina hit, and her family lost everything.

This one is like a long-lost friend. I made it a few years ago and sent it to someone who said she would machine quilt it for a charity. She never finished it and it was inadvertently buried under other stuff (we all know how that happens, don't we?!) It was eventually unearthed, sent on to another quilter who finished it, and posted this picture. It was fun to see an old friend after I had forgotten all about it.

Here's one I did not make. It was donated to me. I sent it on to another program that finished the quilt and gave it to the family of an injured soldier. Isn't it a beautiful quilt? I think it was originally made as a sample by someone about to teach a Lonestar class.

And now it is time for bed, to sleep, perchance to dream... about quilts?


  1. Great quilts - thanks for sharing them. I especially love that first blue one.

  2. Oh, Carol, I loved seeing your quilts. Especially the Square in a Square that got lost...isn't it great that it surfaced again? Really beautiful!


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