I am always amazed at how my quilts grow out of just an idea. Usually the idea is nothing at all like how the quilt ends up looking.
Last night I started playing with wonky house blocks. I made one that had a roof that reminded me of a thatch roof. From there I started adding things to it so that it could be my Botswana quilt. I have been wanting to make one after reading the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series by Alexander McCall Smith. So as I added things, the quilt grew on its own and suggested ideas to me. Some of the ideas I tried, then I'd sit and look at it for a long time, and if something didn't feel quite right, I trusted that instinct and removed it.
What I have so far is feeling good! It is *nothing* like I had envisioned making. It won't be done for a while; it's still in it's growing stage, but you'll see it eventually. I'm feeling amazed by the creative process and how much fun it is and how full of surprises it is! I feel so blessed to be able to play with this process and create things. Life is good!
Today's Daily Photo is a small, one-person post office in a tiny, historic town in MN. I asked the guy if I could take his picture, and he agreed. I love post offices, and this one is so cute!
I was an assistant postmaster in a 1 person post office for 5 years. I loved working there, people would just stop in to visit and I met the nicest people that way!