
Sunday, April 09, 2006

Long Time No Blogging!

Hey there, Blog friends. I had no idea that my last blog was so long ago. It seems like just a couple of weeks ago that I wrote about that challenge quilt. The quilt show came and went. It was great; predictably my challenge quilt did not win anything. They gave 3rd place, 2nd place, and 1st place awards. Can I be a little bit naughty and say that I like mine better than some of the winners? I'm happy I made it. It now hangs proudly in my house.

I am coming to the end of a wonderful spring break. I worked a lot on organizing some of my fabric piles. I am really appalled at how much I have, and at how many UFOs I have (unfinished objects). I prepared a box full of stuff to try to sell at my guild, to benefit our guild library. I hope people buy it, because I don't want it back.

I also vowed to myself to work on my UFOs and finish them before starting anything new. I have some very pretty projects in various phases. I look forward to getting them made into real quilts!

What else did I do during spring break? I took my sewing machine outside on the deck and sewed in the breeze and the sunshine. It felt fantastic! I had a fun day of visiting with a few quilters from this area and BL from far away! What a great day that was! I did a little reading, went to the Y regularly like a good girl, ate good food, did some house cleaning, and sewed. All in all, it was a fine spring break though as usual, it went too fast.

Welcome back to my back yard, all you spring birdies! I love your happy chirping songs. Happy spring, everyone!

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