
Sunday, January 08, 2006

Surprise Sunday!

Last week I was searching on the net for something fun to do, and I came upon an annoucement of a free concert of the MN Boychoir. I thought, "hmm.. sounds fun, and the price is right." My husband, son and I went. Surprise! There was my cousin's husband working as an usher! Oh!! Is THIS the choir your son is in that you mentioned last fall? Cool -- so my cousin's son is in the choir, two of my cousins and their families were there, my aunt and uncle were there, and as an added bonus, four friends from church also happened to be there.

What a great concert! The music was just fantastic, heavenly, and the building had great acoustics. Definitely worth a bit of time on a Sunday afternoon.

Today I'm trying to finish my guild challenge quilt. I want to turn it in on Tuesday. First I have to make a run to the LQS to buy the fabric I ran out of. The project I'm making is a secret as it is going to be posted anonymously at our quilt show, and then a vote for "viewers' choice" will determine the winner. Wish me luck! (Ha! I don't have any illusions of winning, but it's fun to play the game.)

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