
Sunday, January 29, 2006

Photo of my Quilted Runner

Here is the table runner that I made and finished today. I decided that I will donate it to my guild's small quilt auction. They really prefer non-Christmasy ones as the sale is in Feb., and buyers like to think ahead to spring. I think it will sell anyway. Most people remember how quickly time flies and how soon Christmas will be here again. You think so, too?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Geeeezzz, Carol!
    Had to laugh -- was going to write and ask you what size blocks you used till I saw the entry below -- did not even notice the added border in the middle! Nice, too, to have the applique block framed by the pieced blocks. I have never made a table runner, but I might get hooked!
    Beth in the Catskills


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