
Monday, May 30, 2022

Hands To Help Quilt Challenge Completed

 I participated in the 2022 Hands to Help Quilt Challenge. These are the three quilts I made and sent. It's the first year where I branched out and gave quilts to two projects which were not officially part of the project.

The one went to Tree of Life Agency at Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota.

This one went to Jeremiah Project which sent it on to Ukraine.

This one went to one of the official projects: Quilty Hugs.

See other H2H quilts at the final linky party here.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Quilts Delivered in Ukraine

 A quilt shop in Florida announced that it would accept donations of finished quilts for Ukraine. The shop is owned by twins; one twin in Florida runs the shop (it's really a warehouse, not a store front). The other twin lives in Poland, not too far from the Ukraine border.

The twin in Poland has been buying loads and loads of food, diapers, hygiene supplies, etc... things that people in Ukraine need desperately. Our quilts were sent to Poland and recently started arriving. The twin in Poland packs them into vinyl packets which include a pillow, pillowcase, and a blanket along with a quilt. Then these packets are added to the shipment of food items. The first big shipment of quilts into Ukraine happened a day or two ago. It is very exciting to see that our quilts are there and ready to provide some comfort to people in need.

Pictures show the big boxes that arrive in Poland (this is only a fraction of them). Then you see packets as they are trucked into Ukraine and delivered. I believe the first shipment went to a place that is like a refugee camp -- temporary home for people who have fled the war. A home-made quilt will be of great comfort, I hope.

I will also include pictures of a some of the quilts I donated. I don't expect to see them in pictures, because they are a drop in an ocean of quilts. But seeing any of the quilts being delivered is a thrill. (The collection of quilts in Florida has now halted, and donations are being accepted to help with shipment of quilts to Poland as well as to help with the purchase of food and supplies being trucked into Ukraine. See Quilted Twins to donate.)

I made and quilted these.

I made these, and my cousin, Beth, quilted them for me.